It is very important that both the aesthetics of your website and its content is attractive so that the potential client is interested and decides to explore it as soon as he finds it. A good investment in your website with the right web design agency will guarantee you to generate visibility and sales, but to get benefits it must be linked to another strategy to generate links, visitors, and increase sales

To create a perfect website for you and your business, you need to align the user experience with the brand and the development of an SEO strategy. As a digital marketing agency, we differentiate ourselves by creating our websites taking into account the SEO positioning of the website and not just the design and creativity, so that when the website is launched, it has a powerful SEO positioning to receive organic visits from the beginning.


What types of websites are there for your business?

Nowadays, there are many different types of businesses. Depending on the business or the needs of each one, you must adapt your website to your interests: knowledge, sales, education, informative, etc.

That is why we present you some of the different types of existing websites, to make it easier for you to choose the ideal one for your business or to achieve your needs:

  • Institutional or Corporate

Any business should have this type of website, since it is like a letter of introduction to the client. It gives basic information about the product, service and brand to the clients: the mission, vision, values, where it is located, when it started its activity, contact information, product catalog, latest news of the organization, etc.

  • Personal or Portfolio

Ideal to show the CV of professionals in a more attractive way. Thus, through their web page they show their work, collaborations and achievements, it contains videos, images and texts with the intention of making known the experience and knowledge the professional has.

  • Microsites

They provide information about a product line or an advertising campaign, but it has an expiration date. They are similar to a landing page, but are not quite a landing page; they are halfway between a landing page and a corporate website. They consist of a single page in which extended information is given about something specific such as an event, product or business.

  • Blogs

A platform where editorial texts are found in an informal tone on any topic or a conversational style is adopted with the reader. All information included in a blog should have a reading time between 3 minutes and 15 minutes. In addition, depending on the depth you want to give to a topic, audiovisual resources can also be used. 

  • Educational Websites

Created for the reader to learn something new. This can be referred to as procedures or step-by-step explanations. These web pages can be about school subjects, but also about physical activities, furniture construction, culinary elaborations, plant or pet care, etc.

  • E-commerce

Used to make online purchases. These websites make the business no longer depend on sales in physical stores to make transactions with clients. These websites show the product catalog with all the information needed for the purchase decision: price, size, discounts, materials, delivery places, payment methods, etc. Photos and videos of the products are included, as well as their care, product uses, warranty, etc. 


But of all the types of websites mentioned above, which are the most used?

First of all, we find the institutional or corporate website, since it is the most popular and the most used by organizations due to its ability to adapt to the company’s product or service. 

Secondly, blogs are a great option because of the freedom of expression that exists in them, since anyone can create a blog and talk about the topics they consider appropriate, although the most popular are travel, cooking and beauty. 

E-commerce would be the third most used type of website, because it allows the online sale of a wide range of products, including purchase loyalty options. 

And finally, personal websites or portfolios to showcase personal knowledge and skills where the style of the websites reflect the originality or personality of the professional. 


But, how do you manage to shape all these types of web pages?

Nowadays, there are several programs that help the web programmer to create and design the type of website required by the client and these can be free or paid programs. 

Below, we will show you, among all the programs that we can find, the two best ones for the development of your web page in a communication agency.


It allows you to create elegant designs according to your business and Internet trends. Due to its features you can optimize your web page in search engines, obtaining quality organic traffic.


One of the most used web programming platforms due to its versatility. In WordPress, you can edit HTML codes, JS, CSS… to adapt the website, even more, to the needs of the client. It also allows the inclusion of images, videos, texts, plugins… Even design an e-commerce type website.


In V3rtice, 360º communication agency, in the digital marketing department our web designers use the “Wordpress” program for the creation, design and development of our clients’ websites. 

We have the involvement of three departments of the agency in the creation of powerful websites and that are at the height of our customers to achieve their goals.

Reading this blog, have you felt that your company needs a website to keep growing and reach your potential clients? Contact V3rtice, communication, digital marketing and design agency in Barcelona and Madrid, to boost your business.