It seems that social networks are here to stay! Today, the V3rtice Communication Agency updates you and informs you about the social media trends in 2023. As specialists in social platforms, we recommend you follow what is in vogue for this year: new networks, strategies, criteria of the algorithm, and more.

What are the social media trends in 2023?

If you want to grow your brand, you can’t stay behind with what’s new in 2023 on social media. Here’s what’s on the rise:

  • Vertical Videos: Addictive videos from shorts or reels still work in vertical format. Short videos of good quality and vertically cannot be missing from your social networks. If you want to be in the eye of your audience, you must stay within this trend and add good video content to your reels.
  • Valuable content: Users will follow your brand if you offer them useful content and not only focused on sales, since if you only rely on promotion, your followers may get a little tired of receiving the same information. For example, if you are a clothing and accessories store, apply educational content, beauty tips, fashion advice, etc. to your social networks.
  • Authenticity and originality: Show a natural image without filters. A trend of showing reality without artificial masks is growing.
  • Be inclusive: The more people identify with your brand, the better. The world evolves and the networks too! It welcomes different genders, identities, cultures, and races. Open the doors to your entire public. It is not positive to exclude people.
  • User Generated Content (UGC): use real stories with real people, who speak well of your brand and share your products. Real testimonials increase the credibility of your image.
  • Influencers: can be a form of UGC (explained in the previous point). Partnering with influencers is a tool with a lot of potential that you cannot stop applying in 2023, since the influencer goes directly to his followers (your target audience), and again: he is a real person! The current practice of the new generations is to buy a product after hearing the comments of someone who has already experienced the product or service.
  • Ads on social networks: if you have not yet announced on social networks, in this year 2023 you cannot be left behind. Advertise through short vertical videos, through reels and stories on Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, Youtube, etc. In fact, from Madrid and Barcelona, the V3rtice advertising agency can help you publish your ads strategically, from wherever you are; because it is worth the investment to reach your target audience directly.

More Social Media Trends in 2023: What Are Apps Doing?

Social networks seek to keep you within the platform for as long as possible, which is why they include new sections such as “online stores”, so that you not only search for what you want to buy on Google, as well as TikTok Shopping.

What is TikTok Shopping?

E-commerce or electronic commerce should try to have a presence through social media stores, as well as TikTok Shopping. This is a powerful network for growing so quickly since its inception in 2016.

Youth network users can purchase products directly through this digital window. Companies can promote their products through videos and through the product catalog section on their profile, that is, the store window on TikTok.

TikTok is developing its partnership with online commerce platforms such as Shopify, Wix, OpenCart, among other popular ones, so that people can view the product catalogs directly from the TikTok profiles of the stores. So keep an eye on this trend and integrate your brand on TikTok in 2023!

Mobile showing TikTok app

What is BeReal?

BeReal is a new French social network, created in 2020, but it was only in 2022 that it started to grow in popularity. The differential touch of this platform is its authenticity and spontaneity. Its main objective is that it seeks that users can transmit naturalness, without filters.

How does the BeReal social network work?

The BeReal social network sends you a notification and you will have to take a photo (yes, only one per day) of what you are doing at the moment, using both the front and rear cameras. There is no possibility to upload photos from the gallery or to apply filters to the images; and when you publish your photo, it will show the time it took you to take it after receiving the notification, since you only have two minutes to capture the moment.

The new “Twitter Blue”

Twitter is rolling out “Twitter Blue”, a new premium service that you can subscribe to for $8.00 USD per month or $84.00 USD per year. This new Twitter functionality allows you to authenticate your account to get the blue verification symbol.

The blue bird app also includes gold verification for official business entities. This new release has several new features, such as seeing only half of the ads (only 50% of the ads that normally work on classic Twitter), undo tweet (preview before being published), reading mode (view of friendlier threads), among other features.

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From the V3rtice Communication Agencies (Madrid and Barcelona) we update you with the information you need about digital marketing, social networks and more. We are digital specialists and we can help you with whatever you need. Contact us whenever you want!