Today the V3rtice Digital Marketing Agency of Madrid and Barcelona teaches you the basic notions of how to position yourself in the SERPS or in the results of Google search engines: SEO Manual: dummies version.

What is the SEO manual: dummies version?

The V3rtice Communication Agency brings you the basic notions about SEO so that you have a base on search engine optimization and know what this powerful tool is for that will help you gain more visibility on Google.

What is SEO? According to the SEO manual: dummies version.

SEO is the acronym for “Search Engine Optimization”. SEO techniques help position your website in search engines, in this case, in Google results.

The leader in search engines, Google, determines in its algorithm the criteria to take your website into account and position it in the SERPS, in its search results. But the most relevant thing is to give users the information they are looking for and offer them valuable content, that is, provide information that generates traffic on your website. If you work on this content focused on the user experience, you will already have half the way to climb the position in the SERPS.

What is SERPS? The SEO manual: dummies version clarifies it for you.

We have been talking about SERPS, but: What are SERPS? This term meets the acronym of “Search Engine Results Pages”. They are the search results of the keywords that you have put in the Google explorer bar.

In the results you will see advertised websites, which are sites that have used paid ads to appear in non-organic results (SEM), an acronym for “search engine marketing”. They are ads that have a cost per click (PPC) “pay per click”.

On the other hand, you will also see organic results by natural positioning, using SEO, as reflected in the following image: results for the keyword “V3rtice communication agency”:

What are keywords?

In this SEO manual: dummies version of the V3rtice Agency, the concept of keywords cannot be missing. The keyword is the term or phrase that you type in the search bar of browsers, as well as the Google explorer bar. It is through this phrase that Google knows what you are looking for, and it will show you the best results that best correspond to your search intention.

The keyword is one of the structures that support a good SEO, you could not correctly optimize your pages if you do not determine the main keyword of your content. Without this objective, it is like traveling without a fixed course, without a cer tain destination. Therefore, the keyword must be taken into account in the theme of your site / page.

What are the types of SEO? The SEO manual: dummies version of V3rtice shows it to you.

The types of optimization or parts of SEO are: On-page SEO (in the content), Off-page SEO (external resources) and technical SEO (technical part of the site):

What is SEO for?

So you ask yourself: what is SEO for? SEO is used to give organic positioning to your website, with a low investment cost and with positioning that is maintained over time, as long as your site is kept updated and with good traffic. SEM can go hand in hand with SEO, but SEM requires more investment. The latter can bring more immediate results, but as soon as you stop advertising, your page will disappear from the first search results.

On the contrary, SEO takes time, but it is surely worth the investment of time and patience, fine-tuning details so that the page ranks and stays in the first search results organically. Therefore, a good implementation of SEO on your page will gradually bring you the desired results, increased traffic, leads (registrations or affiliations to your page) and desired conversions (sales).

How to get a good SEO positioning? What are the SEO strategies?

The SEO manual: dummies version of V3rtice offers you a list of tips or basic advice to optimize your website successfully. We are not going to fool you! SEO is a deeper topic than you think and it is learned with time and a lot of practice. We are not saying that it is impossible, but it requires effort; so you can start with step number 1, with this basic guide from V3rtice Digital Marketing specialists.

And then, what are the SEO strategies?

  • Adapt your theme to your main keyword: Think of a keyword with enough searches to make it worth working on. You can use the free Google Ads keyword research tool to guide you. Take into account that, as you are starting, there are difficult keywords to position: those with too many searches. For this reason, start by choosing a keyword with enough searches, but low competition, so you can rank more easily, while learning more about SEO. Use your keywords several times in the text, but without exaggeration.
  • Quality and authentic content: offer quality content that is useful to your reader and that is original and creative. It tries to directly give the information that the user is looking for, in a simple, clear and concise way.
  • Scannability: what is scannability? It is the ability to write a legible, easy to read, well divided, well structured and friendly text. Have you already come across a block of running text, impossible to read? Well that’s what you should avoid. Divide your text into subheadings, points, add images or infographics that complement your text and do not bore the reader.
  • Title, URL and meta descriptions: Try to include your keyword in the title, at the same time, add a meta description that briefly summarizes the content of your article and includes the keyword. The recommended URL or slug must also include the keyword. The URL must not be confusing, adding unintelligible numbers or codes that have nothing to do with the content. Try to make it a short URL, example: name of the website / blog / what-is-seo.
  • Article Images: The images you use must have a text (alt) that replaces the image in the event that this illustration is not loaded by the site. That is, choose a text that describes what is seen. Use in the “description” field a text that can also describe the image, you can also include the keyword in this text. Use original or royalty-free images that have excellent quality.
  • Use of internal and external links: Include internal links in your text, that is, those that take the user to other articles on your same website, in a timely and consistent manner. Also use external links, but be careful! Use authority websites that provide quality content and are reliable. Do not take your audience to other “junk” websites, so to speak. The “link building” or the good construction of links can help improve the authority of your website. If other sites, such as social networks or other websites, lead to your page, it would be very useful to increase the authority of your digital window.
  • Beware of technical SEO: This is the most technical part of SEO, but you can learn it little by little, taking into account the loading time of your website, responsiveness (that adapts to any screen format), giving priority to mobile format, site map (good organization of your web pages), UX “user experience” or user experience: is it easy for your audience to navigate your page? Is the content understandable and well structured? These are aspects that you must take into account to improve your SEO. Sites like screaming frog or Google Search Console can be very useful to optimize the technical part of your site.

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