V3rtice agencia social ads

Social ads agency

The indicated channel to sell products or services to highly segmented audiences through image. In addition, it is a perfect complement for organic social media actions.


We choose the most suitable networks so that you obtain the best brand recognition and generate sales.

True to the brand

V3rtice’s design team creates creatives for social media advertising based on your corporate image and objectives.

Measurement parameters

We measure the ROI and ROAS of your campaigns so you never lose money with your ads.

Diversification of audiences

We optimize ads for different audiences, so your campaigns always hit the right audience.

Continuous monitoring

We offer real-time results of the behavior of your advertising campaigns on social networks.

Social media strategy

We are specialists in generating a positive return on advertising investment. We make sure that your campaigns work perfectly and generate more sales in your online business.

We measure each action, step by step, in real time so you can always know where you are and how we got there. Your benefit is our priority.

Social ads methodology

We work with the main advertising management platforms in social networks:

  • Facebook Business Manager
  • LinkedIn Ads
  • Twitter Ads
  • YouTube Ads
  • And many more!

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    Frequently asked questions about this service

    Social ads are the paid side of social networks. They help us to achieve more specific and less organic objectives such as increasing sales, more traffic to your website, increasing the number of registrations or any other objective.

    They open up a much wider and more direct range of possibilities and segmentation than organic social media, and unlike Google Ads, they are usually more affordable.

    The investment in Social Ads will always be defined by your business model and your objective. In the same way that one social media strategy could not be applied to many businesses (no matter how similar they are), it would not make sense to establish the same SMA strategy and budget for two different brands.

    Before planning a campaign, it is important that you define the strategy and tactics to be followed. Without a SMART goal that puts the focus on your strategy, it won’t matter how much budget you are willing to invest.

    The best way to know if your Social Ads strategy is being effective is to take a look at your goals and how close you are to them.

    What would you like to achieve? At V3rtice we establish the most relevant KPI’s for your Social Ads campaigns. This way we get that “how close are you to your goals” that we mentioned before.

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