
Email marketing agency

Sell ​​more and retain your customers through newsletters or marketing automation, promoting the channel with the highest conversion rate in digital marketing.

Constant information

Keep your customers informed of current events and news about your business through newsletters and generate greater loyalty.

Graphic design

The V3rtice design team supervises and designs the graphic section of the emails to always provide greater visual added value.

Custom strategies

We develop personalized email marketing content strategies for your brand and each audience.

In constant contact

Send automatic emails to your ecommerce buyers who have a continuous conversation with your customers.

Newsletter strategy

Being the online marketing channel with the highest conversion rate, email marketing is based on strategies that are influenced by both graphic and textual content as well as a correct strategy for email flows and sending times.

V3rtice develops the email marketing strategy so that your clients are always up to date with the news and the advantages that your business offers them.

Email marketing methodology

Marketing automation, of special importance for ecommerce, is one of the most demanded services in the digital environment. V3rtice develops specific email flows for each user of your business, based on their level of relationship with the brand and behavior.

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    Frequently asked questions about this service

    Email marketing is a highly effective communication tool and its main objective is to create a link between your brand and your customers in the long term.

    It pursues two main objectives, the first is to encourage users to buy your products or hire your services and, secondly, to work on the recurrence of purchase. This will significantly reduce the cost of customer acquisition.

    Proper management of your email marketing strategy will bring you the following benefits:

    • It allows you to segment your audience based on their behavior.
    • It allows you to know the interests of your audience based on their interaction with your emails.
    • Allows you to define and achieve specific email marketing objectives (purchase, recruitment, recurrence, loyalty, recommendation, etc).
    • Allows you to measure and optimize communication processes continuously

    Our team of email marketing experts analyze in detail the type of business and recommend the emails with the greatest impact for your audience:

    Recruitment emails, to attract new customers to our brand (similar to “cold door” strategies).

    Newsletters or newsletters to maintain user contact with the brand and communicate news (policy changes, product launches…).

    Administrative emails, for example, to send the user downloadable content or to thank them for subscribing.

    Loyalty emails, in which we seek to generate repeat purchases.

    Our email marketing agency specializes in the Mailchimp tool. Which will allow us to analyze the most relevant metrics in each of the email marketing campaigns.

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