In V3rtice we tell you which users you can find in each social media and, therefore, where you should be.

At V3rtice we recently talked about the key strategies and tips to manage networks well, but there is another crucial aspect to take into account: what user profiles do we find in the different social networks? Read on to find out and, therefore, know where it is worth your while to be present. In the digital age, social networks have become an integral part of our lives. Different platforms attract a diverse audience and each user has their own reasons for joining a particular social network. 

In today’s blog we will explain the different types of users you can find on the top 5 social networks: Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter/X, TikTok and Facebook.

1. Instagram: the creative social network

Instagram is especially popular among young adults aged 18-34, with a slightly female-leaning user base. Some of the users you can find within this social network are:

  • Influencers: as we told you in our 2023 social media trends article, these are part of the “fashion profession” are dedicated to sharing photos of their daily lives, from their food, to their travels, their clothes or what they do on a Sunday morning. This group often promotes products and associates with brands.
  • Artists and photographers: Instagram is the place where creatives share their work, from stunning photographs to illustrations and digital art.
  • Foodies: A popular niche on Instagram are food lovers, who share images of their favorite dishes and their top restaurant discoveries.
  • Travel lovers: This group shares photos of their adventures around the world, inspiring followers to explore new destinations.

2. LinkedIn: the professional network

LinkedIn attracts mainly professionals and people between 25 and 34 years old, followed by those between 18 and 24. These two groups make up 80% of its total users, according to a study conducted by Statista. The gender distribution is fairly evenly distributed, although it leans a bit in favor of the male gender. On LinkedIn you can find the following types of users:

  • Professionals looking for a job: This group uses LinkedIn with a clear objective: to find a job. In this social network they aim to create networks of contacts and improve their professional profiles.
  • Businesspeople and entrepreneurs: On the other hand, those who have a company use the platform to promote it and establish professional connections.
  • Human resources and recruiters: HR professionals are those who use LinkedIn to find suitable candidates for jobs. 
  • Experts in their industry: There is another group of professionals who are especially recognized within their industry as authorities in a specific field. They share content related to their professional field.
  • Students and graduates: Finally, we can find young professionals who use LinkedIn to connect with their classmates, look for internships or jobs.

3. Twitter or X: the platform for conversations

The social network X, which we have always known as Twitter, attracts a wide variety of users, somewhat skewed towards the male audience. According to a study conducted by IEBS, it stands out above all for its popularity among young people and adults between the ages of 25 and 49. Within Twitter or X you will see the following types of users:

  • Journalists and media: Twitter is for many users a source of news and updates. That is why journalists and official press channels use it to share news in real time.
  • Celebrities and celebrities: We can find many well-known users on Twitter, who use the social network to share their thoughts, promote their projects and above all to give a more “human” image and connect with their fans.
  • Activists: Many people seeking social change use Twitter to raise awareness about important issues and mobilize the community. 

4. TikTok: the social network of fun

TikTok is undoubtedly the social network on trend, as we already told you in our article on how to make the leap in your networking strategy with TikTok. Its audience is teenagers and young adults between 18 and 24 years old. In addition, a study conducted by Finder highlights that the balance is slightly tilted towards women, representing 56% of its users. On the short video platform you have some of the following users: 

  • Dancers: TikTok is known for its constant dance trends, and this type of user go on with every challenge, performing the most creative choreographies.
  • Comedians: We can also find a large number of users who make short humorous videos, as these work very well in the public eye.
  • Educational content creators: Some users also use TikTok to teach skills and share knowledge.
  • Singers and musicians: The platform has undoubtedly been a springboard to fame for many emerging musicians and artists. 
  • Fashion and beauty lovers: Users share fashion content, makeup tutorials and beauty product reviews. 

5. Facebook: the all-in-one social network

Facebook is undoubtedly the social network with the oldest audience, ranging from 45 to 54 years old. In terms of the gender of its users, it is very evenly split between men and women. Some of the types of users you can find on Facebook are: 

  • Families and friends: Facebook is undoubtedly the most familiar social network. Many users use it to keep in touch with family and friends, sharing photos and personal updates.
  • Interest groups: Facebook groups are popular for users with specific interests, from book clubs to gardening groups.
  • Online shoppers: Some people use Facebook Marketplace to buy and sell local products.
  • Small businesses: And finally you can also find local businesses promoting their products and or services through Facebook pages.

It is also worth noting that in addition to all the types of users you can find within each social network, you cannot forget a large group: silent consumers. In this group you will find the vast majority of users: those who only use the networks to consume rather than to create content. 

We’ve found that each social network attracts a unique audience with different interests and goals. Whether you’re looking for visual inspiration on Instagram, professional connections on LinkedIn, interesting information on Twitter, creativity and disconnection on TikTok or a platform to find yourself closer to those far away like Facebook, there’s a place for you in the world of social media.

And at V3rtice, as a 360 agency, we have great expertise in social media strategies to help you manage and optimize your company’s networks. Whether it’s managing your networks, redesigning them or helping you grow, V3rtice is your agency. Want to know more about us, contact us here!