Press office

The perfect gear for press conferences and communication objectives, both internal and external, to reach the media directly.

Successful communication techniques

Our experience and specialization allow us to turn the client’s initial ideas into attractive communication guidelines for the media.

Constant plan reviews

Before our work sees the light, we make sure that the communication plan is coherent, meaningful and consistent with the interests of each client.

One-to-one experience with the media

With an innovative and committed management we carry out a one-to-one system with the journalist; We present the project in a personalized way and establish synergies with each medium.

Vital transparency

To ensure success, we develop a plan divided into seven phases with a clear methodology that we follow precisely and transparently for each client.

Elaboration of a complete program

Our seven-phase program is based on the following actions: previous meeting, press strategy, media strategy, writing and advice, follow-up, clipping and final evaluation.

Comunication cabinet

The work of our press office is carried out based on defined objectives. Defining the message and addressing the public correctly is the ultimate goal for the V3rtice team.

Once the communication plan is formalized and approved, we execute the strategy based on a timing that will allow each client to appreciate the progress made on a daily basis. From V3rtice we also carry out a calculated follow-up with which to evaluate the dimension of the final result.


The development of a communication plan includes the strategy, objectives and actions to be carried out in all communication aspects of the company.

At V3rtice we have a clear and direct way of working, where each of the members that make up the press department is aligned with the needs and interests of the client.

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    Frequently asked questions about this service

    The main objective of the media service is that our clients become opinion leaders in their field, in this way, the client gains prestige to attract both investors and potential clients.

    The media and public relations service also has an active component in helping and defending companies that are in a situation of communication crisis or that want to improve their image in the eyes of public opinion.

    Likewise, we also prepare institutions of all kinds and personalities to speak in public and deal with both the media before microphones and cameras and to be influential with the key information professionals of their interest, through trainings.

    The press clipping, or press clipping, is sent each month to the client with the entire compilation of his appearances in the media – written press, radio, television and digital media. The document also includes the economic valuation of the content and the average audience of the media where the piece has appeared.

    This document not only accredits the appearance of the client in the proposed media, but also the amount that they would have had to disburse if they had carried out an advertising campaign in those spaces according to the rate of each media.

    A press release is a document of no more than two pages that presents important information or news about the client to the media. It is sent to journalists to publish it for free on their radio, newspaper, television or magazine.

    The objective of a press release is to get the news to appear in the media and to talk about our brand or our project, service or product in articles, interviews or reports. In short, create notoriety.

    Regarding communication tools, we have two strategies: a more traditional and corporate line and a more modern and dynamic one. In this way we can execute our communication strategy.

    Traditional and corporate, here we carry out the tasks of a press office:

    • Content creation
    • Database creation
    • Call and announcements
    • Media attention
    • Photo and video coverage
    • Press kit
    • Press clipping
    • Opinion articles

    And the other strategy, more modern and dynamic:

    • Creation of sector round tables
    • Creation of own studies of the sector
    • Reflection meetings on topics of interest
    • One-to-one management with media
    • Meetings and / or breakfasts with the directors of the main communication media
    • Meetings with institutions to coordinate communication actions

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